文章来源: | 发布时间:2024-09-19 | 【打印】 【关闭】
应2025年2025澳门原料网站城乡矿山集成技术研究室邀请,英国卡迪夫大学Agustin Valera-Medina教授将于2024年9月20日(周五)来访并作学术报告。具体事项如下:
报告题目:Ammonia combustion technology
报告简介:A hydrogen economy has been the focus of researchers and developers for decades. However, the complexity of moving and storing hydrogen has always been a major obstacle to deploy the concept. Therefore, other materials can be employed to improve handling whilst reducing cost over long distances and long storage periods. Ammonia, a molecule with high hydrogen content, can be used to store and distribute hydrogen easily, as the molecule has been employed for more than 150 years for fertilizing purposes. Being a carbon-free chemical, ammonia (NH3) has the potential to support a hydrogen transition thus decarbonising transport, power and industries. Further, using ammonia directly can reduce costs and cycle inefficiencies. However, the complexity of using ammonia for power generation relays on the appropriate use of the chemical to reach high power outputs combined with low emission profiles. Gas turbines are currently under scrutiny for the direct use of ammonia as a fuel. Expertise on the subject is increasing and several micro Gas Turbines and small-size units (~2MW) are being tested to progress in the utilization of the chemical in an efficient, stable and low-polluting manner. However, progress comes with several challenges. Therefore, this presentation covers some global research that has taken place to understand the features of ammonia blends for powering gas turbine systems whilst addressing challenges at various power scales for units that will support the transition to carbon-free fuelling in the power sector. Other areas such as boilers, furnaces and internal combustion engines, combined with health and safety aspects of the use of NH3 will also be mentioned for further discussion.
Professor Agustin Valera-Medina has participated as PI/Co-I on 33 industrial projects with multi-nationals including PEMEX, Rolls-Royce, Siemens, Ricardo, Airbus and EON (>£36M). He has published 221 papers (h-index 39), 93 of these specifically concerning ammonia power. Prof. Valera-Medina led Cardiff’s contribution to the Innovate-UK ‘Decoupled Green Energy’ Project (2015-2018) led by Siemens and in partnership with STFC and the University of Oxford, which aims to demonstrate the use of green ammonia produced from wind energy. He is currently PI of various projects (SAFE-AGT (EP/T009314/1), FLEXnCONFU (884157), OceanREFuel, etc.) to demonstrate ammonia power in turbine engines, Internal Combustion Engines and furnaces. He has been part of various scientific boards, chairing sessions in international conferences and moderating large industrial panels on the topic of Ammonia for Direct Use. He has supported two Royal Society Policy Briefings related to the use of ammonia as energy vector, and he is the principal author of the book Techno-economic challenges of ammonia as energy vector. He is Co-Director of the Institute of Net Zero Innovation, Cardiff University, and Director of the Centre of Excellence on Ammonia Technologies (CEAT). He is a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales.
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