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文章来源:  |  发布时间:2019-07-25  |  【打印】 【关闭





报告题目:Plasma-catalysis: A promising solution for the synthesis of fuels and chemicals

报告摘要: The rapid exhaustion of fossil fuel reserves and the adverse effects of climate change caused by increasing global energy demands have attracted great attention and pose serious threats to humankind. The emergence of new energy technologies is crucial and essential to reduce the negative effects of climate change and to ensure global energy security based on sustainable and renewable energy sources.

Recently, the combination of non-thermal plasma and heterogeneous catalysis (known as plasma-catalysis, or plasma-enhanced catalysis) has been regarded as a promising solution for the activation of inert molecules with strong chemical bonds (e.g. CH4 and CO2) into value-added fuels and chemicals (e.g. hydrogen and liquid fuels) at low temperatures. The coupling of plasma and catalysts has great potential to generate a synergistic effect, which can activate the catalysts at low temperatures and improve the activity and stability of the catalysts, resulting in the remarkable enhancement of reactant conversion, selectivity and yield of end-products, as well as the energy efficiency of the process. The idea of plasma-catalysis has also been extended to the synthesis, preparation and modification of catalysts to improve the activity and stability of the catalysts.

In this talk, we will show the use of plasma-catalysis as a novel low temperature process for the synthesis of synthetic fuels and platform chemicals: i) one-step activation of methane into liquid fuels and chemicals at ambient conditions; ii) activation of CO2 to value-added fuels and chemicals; iii) reforming of tars from biomass gasification.



屠昕,法国理学博士(2006),浙江大学工学博士(2007),是全国百篇优秀博士学位论文提名奖(2009 动力工程与工程热物理学科)和浙江省优秀博士学位论文(2008)获得者,现任英国利物浦大学电气工程与电子系教授,博士生导师和国际办主任。

屠昕博士长期从事低温等离子体协同催化技术用于能源清洁高效转化和环境污染控制等面向国家重大需求的基础前沿和应用研究,具有多学科交叉的国际化研究背景,曾先后在浙江大学热能工程研究所和能源清洁利用国家重点实验室,法国国家科学研究中心跨行业空间热化学联合研究院(CORIA, CNRS UMR 6614),比利时天主教鲁汶大学表面化学和催化研究中心 (KU Leuven),比利时法兰德斯技术研究院材料所 (VITO),英国曼彻斯特大学化学学院从事研究工作, 取得了一批具有国际领先水平的创新性研究成果,已在Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, ACS Catalysis, Green Chemistry, Applied Energy, Environmental Science and Technology, Chemical Engineering Journal等国际高水平期刊发表SCI收录论文100余篇,包括6ESI高被引论文,多次受邀在国际会议和国内外研究机构做邀请报告并担任多次国际会议主席和分会主席,是目前等离子体催化领域具有国际影响力的知名学者。最近,屠昕博士带领的团队在甲烷活化和二氧化碳转化取得了突破性进展,利用冷等离子体协同催化技术一步将甲烷和二氧化碳等碳基小分子在室温常压下直接转化成高品位液体燃料和化工产品(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56,13679-13683),这一创新成果受到国际能源化工企业和媒体的广泛关注,被phys.org, The Engineer, The Chemical Engineer, ScienceDaily ChemEurope等科学媒体争相报道。




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