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重点实验室学术报告会通知(20181022-Jerry Murphy)

文章来源:生化转化研究室  |  发布时间:2018-10-15  |  【打印】 【关闭


应中国科学院可再生能源重点实验室和广东省新能源和可再生能源研究开发与应用重点实验室的邀请,爱尔兰科克大学环境系Jerry Murphy教授将于20181022日在所举行学术报告会。



时间:20181022 上午9:30-11:00


报告题目:Innovation in Green Gas Technologies and Systems

报告人:Prof Jerry Murphy




Professor Jerry D. Murphy is:

Leader of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Bioenergy Task on Energy from Biogas, which includes for national delegates from 15 countries.

Director of the MaREI Centre, which is the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) centre for Marine and Renewable Energy in Ireland. Research funding in this centre is of the order of €55M and includes for 6 Universities, 200 researchers and 50 industries.

Vice Director of the Environmental Research Institute (ERI) which is the flagship institute in Environmental Research in UCC and includes for 300 academics.

Chair of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering in University College Cork.

Prof. Murphy has a degree in Civil Engineering (1985 - 1989), a Master’s Degree in Anaerobic Digestion (1991 - 1992) and a PhD in energy production from waste (1999 – 2003). Prof. Murphy's bioenergy and biofuels research group at present consists of 4 post-doctorates and 5 PhD students; Prof. Murphy has supervised to completion about 30 postgraduate students and has served as an external examiner to PhD candidates in Universities in Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, the UK and Ireland.

Prof. Murphy has served with the IEA Bioenergy for over 12 years and in this role has edited the IEA Bioenergy commissioned “The Biogas Handbook: Science, Production and Applications” and is author and/or editor of several IEA Bioenergy publications on topics such as: algal biogas; crop digestion; the potential role of biogas in smart energy grids; Role of biogas in the circular economy; Green gas.

Prof. Murphy has delivered keynote/invited lectures at numerous international conferences. He has written ca. 120 peer review journal papers; according to Google Scholar this work has been cited ca. 6480 times in peer review press (H Factor 44). Prof. Murphy serves as a referee on numerous peer review journals and has served on the Editorial Board of Bioresource Technology and of Renewable Energy.

Since 2007 he has secured ca. €8 million funding to study: second and third generation gaseous transport fuels; production of biomethane and biohydrogen from macro- and micro-algae; power to gas concepts; upgrading of biogas with hydrogen; upgrading of biogas with micro-algae; design of digesters for high solid content feed stocks; life cycle analyses of various biofuel systems.


All countries need to decarbonise energy, agriculture and transport. Renewable electricity has long been understood in terms of technology in the mainstream media and is readily commercialised. Grid stability associated with increasing levels of intermittency of renewable electricity is a challenge. The concept of renewable gas or green gas is not as advanced nor understood. However, it offers solutions to decarbonising thermal energy, transport and agriculture and can also facilitate (and provide ancillary services) to intermittent renewable electricity. Six European gas grids have committed to carbon neutrality by 2050. The technologies employed initially involve upgrading of biogas (produced from slurries decarbonising agriculture) for gas grid injection. For example, Denmark is already at 12% green gas in the gas grid based on agricultural residues. The green gas industry will expand to gasification of woody crops with methanation, to fermentation of both macro- and micro-algae (to both biomethane and biohydrogen) and finally will employ power to gas systems. Green gas can facilitate intermittent renewable electricity due to the dispatchable nature of biogas and its ability to operate in demand driven mode. Pulse feeding of digesters results in peaks (and troughs) of methane output which can be timed to coincide with periods of maximum demand for electricity. Alternatively, when intermittent electricity is in excess supply it may be converted to an electro-fuel. Initially this may be hydrogen and but use of the Sabatier Equation allows capture of CO2 and production of renewable methane for gas grid injection. The sustainability of such systems is of issue in terms of decarbonisation. Hydrogen produced from carbonised electricity will have a higher carbon footprint than the electricity from which it is produced. Green gas has a significant role in the circular bioeconomy and when coupled with algae can facilitate valuable products (such as alginates, hydrogen, ethanol, volatile fatty acids) and energy vectors (such as advanced gaseous biofuel systems not requiring land). The research will explore advances in technology and systems which, integrate green gas technologies in the future energy grid and in the circular bioeconomy.


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