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重点实验室学术报告会通知(20181022-Richen Lin)

文章来源:生化转化研究室  |  发布时间:2018-10-15  |  【打印】 【关闭


应中国科学院可再生能源重点实验室和广东省新能源和可再生能源研究开发与应用重点实验室的邀请,爱尔兰科克大学环境系博士后研究员林日琛(Richen Lin)将于20181022日在所举行学术报告会。



时间:20181022 上午9:30-11:00


报告题目:微生物转化生物质制取氢气甲烷(Microbial conversion of biomass to hydrogene and methane





Dr. Richen Lin is a Postdoctoral Researcher in University College Cork, Ireland. He has been recently awarded the European Commission Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (2018). He received his PhD degree from Zhejiang University in 2016, and awarded as the Outstanding Graduate of Zhejiang Province. He serves as the reviewer for several journals in bioenergy area such as Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Applied Energy and Bioresource Technology. His research interests focus on microbial production of gaseous fuel from a wide range of organic wastes. In particular, he looks at (1) Lignocellulosic/algal biomass pretreatment, characterization, and kinetic modelling; (2) Fermentation and anaerobic digestion for hydrogen and methane production, and (3) Thermodynamics of microbial interspecies electron transfer in anaerobic digestion. He has published over 30 papers with more than 600 citations in peer-reviewed journals, such as Chemical Engineering Journal (Impact Factor 6.74, Elsevier) and Bioresource Technology (Impact Factor 5.81, Elsevier).


Green gas (such as biohydrogen and biomethane) has the potential to qualify as an Ultra-Low Emission transport fuel. However, the optimal system to produce sustainable transport biofuel has yet to be defined. Biogas can be produced through anaerobic digestion and upgraded to biomethane. The conventional anaerobic digestion may suffer from two drawbacks: (1) Vulnerable to many environmental factors; and (2) Digestate generated after digestion still has a great amount of unutilised energy. A combined system including the concepts of cascading bioenergy and circular bioeconomy have been proposed, which includes four modular systems: (1) Feedstocks optimisation and pretreatment; (2) Enhanced anaerobic digestion through addition of conductive materials; (3) Upgrading of biogas to biomethane through Power to Gas; (4) Pyrochar production through controlled pyrolysis of solid anaerobic digestate. The advantages of such system include: (1) Improved biomethane yield and production rate, allowing for higher organic loading rate; and (2) Enhanced total energy recovery through integration of solid digestate pyrolysis. The preliminary results demonstrated that as compared to conventional anaerobic digestion, the integrated system enhanced biomethane yield by 25%, peak biomethane production rate by 20%, and reduced lag-phase time by 48%.


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