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文章来源:  |  发布时间:2018-10-08  |  【打印】 【关闭








报告人:王宇 教授


报告题目:Soot formation in laminar counterflow diffusion flames: Non-monotonic behaviors



Dr. Yu Wang is a professor at the School of Automotive Engineering at Wuhan University of Technology since 2015. Before joining WUT as a faculty member, he worked as a research specialist at the Clean Combustion Research Center of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). Dr. Wang completed his PhD (2013) in mechanical engineering at KAUST, and obtained his MEng. (2009) and BEng. (2006) degrees from Tsinghua University and WUT, respectively. He also spent a year and a half at the Laboratory of Energy Conversion of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH-Zurich) as a research assistant. Dr. Wang’s current research interests included laminar flames, soot formation, high pressure combustion and laser-based optical diagnostics for reactive flows. Dr. Wang has published over 30 peer-reviewed journal articles and received over 1,300 citations (Google Scholar).



Previous soot studies in counterflow diffusion flames have revealed an interesting bending behavior of the sooting limit curve in regions with large oxygen mole fraction(XO), which indicated a non-monotonic variation of sooting tendency with oxygen concentration. However, the underlying mechanisms remained unclear. In this regard, the present study systematically investigated the effect of oxygen mole fraction in the oxidizer stream on the sooting characteristics of ethylene counterflow diffusion flames. Experimentally, a near-infrared light extinction technique was used to measure the soot volume fractions of two series of flames that differ significantly in sooting structures: the first series is soot formation oxidation (SFO) flames and the second series is soot formation (SF) flames. Detailed soot modeling studies were conducted by combining a detailed gas-phase chemistry and a sectional soot model accounting for soot inception, soot mass growth, particle coagulation as well as soot oxidation. The experimental and the computed results agreed to show the non-monotonic variation of soot volume fraction withXOfor the SFO flames. The detailed analysis of the soot evolution process revealed that the suppression of soot inception and the improvement of soot oxidation process with increasingXOlead to the reduction of soot volume fraction. However, the surface growth rates increased withXO, result in the increase of soot concentrations. The opposite variation trend of soot inception, soot oxidation and soot surface growth rate withXOlead to the non-monotonic variation of soot volume fractions for the SFO flames. On the other hand, for SF flames both soot inception and surface growth were enhanced asXOincreased, resulting in the observed monotonic increase of soot volume fraction withXO.



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