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文章来源:  |  发布时间:2016-08-19  |  【打印】 【关闭




  培训内容包括建立模型所需的理论基础,同时也还介绍将开源软件系统——OpenGeoSys (OGS, www.opengeosys.org)。并结合实例对于CO2封存,相变,非等温体系及化学反应过程进行案例讲解。并以此为例为基础延伸到其它应用领域。 





  有兴趣参加人员请于2016914日前联系袁嫄([email protected])并抄送刘丽华([email protected])报名。2016916日前通知确定最终名单。 

  授课语言为英文和中文(视报名人员语言情况决定),要求参与人员自备笔记本电脑,并自行负担住宿费用。如需协助安排住宿,请提前联系袁嫄([email protected])。 



  “Multiphase Flow and Reactive Transport”

  September 19 – 22, in Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion,

  Chinese Academy of Science (GIEC-CAS)


Course Content 


Day 1 

(19.09, Mon)

        Basics: Introduction of OpenGeoSys software 

        Theory: Concept of un-saturated flow and multi-phase flow 

        Practice: construct a multiphase flow process representing CO2sequestration 

JProf. Haibing Shao 

Day 2 

(20.09, Tue)

        Basics: Phase transition process in multi-phase flow 

        Theory: Component based multi-phase flow process 


JProf. Haibing Shao 

Day 3 

(21.09, Tue)

        Advanced: Numerical method behind componential based multi-phase flow process 

        Practice: Non-isothermal multiphase flow 

        Basics: Chemical Reactions 

JProf. Haibing Shao 

Dr. Dedong Li 

Day 4 

(22.09, Tue)

        Theory: Reactive transport modelling with OGS-ChemApp 

        Practice: to be defined 

        Summary and discussions 

Dr. Dedong Li 


  Potential audience:  

            Post-graduate students and early career researchers working in the field of subsurface modelling.  

            Whose main research interest lies on the topic oil, gas and geothermal energy exploration, reservoir simulation, transport and degradation of volatile organic compound in the shallow subsurface etc.  

            Who wishes to learn the basic theory behind multi-phase flow and reactive transport process, while also wish to have hands-on experience of setting up and simulate a numerical model.  

  Participants are expected to:  

            Bring their own working laptop, as well as an independent mind;  

            Not afraid of operating a computer in the command line interface; 

            Knowledge on the Finite Element Methods would not be necessary but is a plus.  

  Date, Location and Registration 

  The symposium & course will last for 4 full days, from 19th to 22nd Sep. 2016, and the lectures would be in English or Chinese.  

  Interested participants are expected to send their personal information to Yuan Yuan ([email protected]) and cc Dr. Lihua LIU ([email protected]) no later than 14th Sep. 2016.  Only a limited amount of vacancies are provided for external participants.  

  No accommodation in the GIEC, further information could contact with the organizer ([email protected]) in advance.  



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