文章来源: | 发布时间:2016-07-06 | 【打印】 【关闭】
应中国科学院可再生能源重点实验室和广东省新能源和可再生能源研究开发与应用重点实验室的邀请,比利时鲁汶大学(KU Leuven)Bert F. Sels教授将于2016年7月11日来访并举行学术报告会。报告会安排如下:
时 间:2016年7月11日 上午10:00-11:30
地 点:生物质大楼910会议室
报告题目:The role of chemocatalysis in the ligniocellulosic biorefinery
报告摘要:The presentation discusses the processing of lignocellulose in liquid phase in presence of solid catalysts. There is a manifold of state-of-the-art procedures (organosolv, …) which allow refining solid biomass feedstock into different fractions, most of them being able to provide a cellulose pulp, next to a mixture of soluble hemicellulose and lignin products. However, valorisation of the latter into chemicals seems difficult. KU Leuven has worked out a catalytic lignin-first refinery approach, enabling the refinery of lignocellulose into a solid carbohydrate pulp (hemicellulose+cellulose) and soluble lignin fraction. Depending on the origin of lignocellulose, both high delignification degree and pulp retention were demonstrated. In fact, the lignin fraction is stable oil containing a handful of monomeric alkylphenols, next to dimers and oligomeric polyphenols. The phenol selectivity highly depends on the used catalyst, while various bio-derived solvents may be used in the process, impacting the morphology of the pulp. Currently, research is ongoing to valorise the monomers as platform chemicals to produce drop-in and novel chemicals such as phenol, bisphenols, dicarboxylic acids, …using the concept of ‘design by safety’. The dimeric and oligomeric polyphenols are under study with regard to their bio-active properties based on toxicity studies. The unique soluble lignin fraction as a whole may also be an interesting source of branched C9 naphthene, a potential fuel additive, under investigation. In other study, the benefits of first separating the lignin (as the oil) from the (hemi)cellulose pulp, rather than processing the entire lignocellulose without refinery, is investigated in terms of process/separation design and product yields.
报告人简介:Bert F. Sels, currently full professor at the KU Leuven, obtained his Ph.D. in 2000 in the field of heterogeneous oxidation catalysis. He was awarded the DSM Chemistry Award in 2000, the Incentive Award by the Societe Chimique Belge in 2005, and the Green Chemistry Award in 2015. He is currently director of the Centre for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, designing heterogeneous catalysts for future challenges in industrial organic and environmental catalysis. His expertise includes heterogeneous catalysis in biorefineries and the spectroscopic and kinetic study of active sites for small-molecule activation. He is co-chair of the Catalysis Commission of the International Zeolite Association (IZA) and co-founder of European Research Institute of Catalysis (ERIC). He is also member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, board member of the international advisory board of ChemSusChem (Wiley) and associate editor of ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
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