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目前致力于海洋地质与有机地球化学研究。擅长利用冷泉生态系统生物标志物、同位素,并结合微生物和岩石矿物学等多种现代地球化学方法和手段。近年来,在冷泉碳酸盐岩和冷泉沉积物记录的天然气水合物分解和甲烷渗漏所引起的甲烷释放事件研究中取得了一系列创新性成果。是国际知名学术期刊organic geochemistry, Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Marine pollution bulletin, Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, Frontiers in Marine Science和中文期刊中国科学、地质学报、地球化学和厦门大学学报等的审稿人。








1      HongXiang Guan, Dong Feng*, Daniel Birgel*, J?rn Peckmann, Harry H.Roberts, Nengyou Wu, Duofu Chen. Lipid biomarker patterns reflect different formation environments of mussel- and tubeworm-dominated seep carbonates from the Gulf of Mexico (Atwater Valley and Green Canyon). Chemical Geology, 2019, 505, 36-47.

2      HongxiangGuan*, ZhileiSun, ShengyiMao, LanfangXu, HongCao, WeiGeng, CuilingXu, XianrongZhang, NengyouWu. Authigenic carbonate formation revealed by lipid biomarker inventory at hydrocarbon seeps: A case study from the Okinawa Trough. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 101, 502-511.

3      HongXiang Guan*, Linying Chen, Min Luo, Lihua Liu, Shengyi Mao, Huangmin Ge, Mei Zhang, Jiasong Fang, Duofu Chen. Composition and origin of lipid biomarkers in the surface sediments from the southern Challenger Deep, Mariana Trench. Geoscience Frontiers, 2019, 10, 351~360.

4      Zhifeng Wan, Xianqing Wang, Yongfang Li, Xing Xu, Yuefeng Sun, Zhengxin Yin, Hongxiang Guan*. The composition of organic matter and the geochemical significance of surface sediments in the Southwest Sub-basin of the South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2019, 171, 103~117.

5      Hongxiang Guan*, Qinxian Wang, Duofu Chen, Nengyou Wu, Shengyi Mao. Lipid biomarkers and their stable carbon isotopes in ancient seep carbonates from SW Taiwan. Acta Geologica Sinica, 93(1), 167~174.

6      HongXiang Guan, Daniel Birgel, J?rn Peckmann, Qianyong Liang, Dong Feng*, Shengxiong Yang, Jinqiang Liang, Jun Tao, Nengyou Wu, Duofu Chen. Lipid biomarker patterns of authigenic carbonates reveal fluid composition and seepage intensity at Haima cold seeps, South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2018, 168, 163~172.

7      Hongxiang Guan, Dong Feng*, Nengyou Wu, Duofu Chen. Methane seepage intensities traced by biomarker patterns in authigenic carbonates from the South China Sea. Organic Geochemistry, 2016, 91: 109~119.

8      Hongxiang Guan*, Mei Zhang, Shengyi Mao, Nengyou Wu, Hongfeng Lu, Duofu Chen. Methane seepage in the Shenhu area of the northern South China Sea: constraints from carbonate chimneysGeo-Marine Letters, 2016, 36: 175~186.

9      Hongxiang Guan, Yongge Sun, Shengyi Mao, Xiaowei Zhu, Nengyou Wu, Molecular and stable carbon isotopic compositions of hopanoids in seep carbonates from the South China Sea continental slope, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2014, 92: 254~261.

10    Hongxiang Guan, Yongge Sun, Xiaowei Zhu, Shengyi Mao, Dong Feng, Nengyou Wu, Duofu Chen, Factors controlling the types of microbial consortia in cold-seep environments: A molecular and isotopic investigation of authigenic carbonates from the South China Sea, Chemical Geology, 2013, 354: 55~64.

11    Guan HongXiang, Feng Dong, Wu NengYou, Chen DuoFu, Harry.H Roberts, Wu DaiDai, Fatty-acids and their δ13C characteristics of seep carbonates from the northern continental slope of Gulf of Mexico, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(8): 730~735.


1      铁驱动的甲烷厌氧氧化的生物地球化学机制研究—以冲绳海槽冷泉碳酸盐岩为例   国家基金-重大研究计划培育项目,52        2020.01-2022.12   负责人

2      南海北部陆坡不同矿物组分冷泉碳酸盐岩的生物地球化学对比研究        国家基金面上项目,86万元       2015/01-2018/12   主持

3      冷泉区双壳和管状蠕虫环境中自生碳酸盐岩的有机地球化学对比研究    青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室开放基金,100 2017/04-2020/03      主持

4      冷泉系统特征性生物标志化合物研究        广东省重大项目子课题,110    2019.09-2024.08    负责人

5      南海北陆坡区冷泉极端环境甲烷氧化微生物作用的生物标志物研究        国家自然科学基金青年基金,26万元       2012/01-2014/12   主持

6      沉积物脂类生物标志化合物含量及碳同位素测试    广州海洋地质调查局项目,30       2019.05-2020.08    负责人

7      海底冷泉碳酸盐岩有机地球化学调查研究      国土资源部专项子课题,29       2016/05-2016/12   主持

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