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2021年博士毕业于仁荷大学,研究方向主要集中在锂离子电池和超级电容器用电极材料的制备与器件开发。2022年获得主持瑞典Wenner-Gren基金会项目的机会,前往查尔姆斯理工大学进行博士后研究。博后研究的重点是柔性可穿戴超级电容器的开发与研究,主要涉及2D材料和共轭聚合物的制备,改性以及应用。随后在意大利FAAM公司担任Research Scientist主要从事水系磷酸铁锂电池的研究和开发。

截至2024年已在国际权威学术期刊发表SCI 论文18篇,其中以第一/通讯作者身份在Energy and Environmental Science, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Electrochimica Acta等期刊发表SCI论文14篇,论文累计引用超过1100次,H指数(h-index)为12,另有专利2项。





1. 2022 Wenner-Gren Fellowship (Sweden)

2. 2021 President’s Award (South Korea)

3. 2021 Teaching Assistantship (South Korea)

4. 2018-2020 Jungseok International Full Scholarship (South Korea)

5. 2018-2021 Brain Korea 21 (BK21) Program (South Korea)

6. 2019 Outstanding Research Award - Excellent of Journal Publication (South Korea)

7. 2018 Excellent Paper Presentation Award (South Korea)



[1] G. Yang,S.J. Park,Nitrogen and iron co-doped carbon quantum dots/MnO2 nanowire composites for flexible solid-state supercapacitors with high areal capacitance,J. Alloys Compd.,960 (2023). 第一作者/通讯作者

[2] J.H. Lee,G. Yang,C.H. Kim,R.L. Mahajan,S.Y. Lee,S.J. Park,Flexible solid-state hybrid supercapacitors for the internet of everything (IoE),Energy and Environmental Science,15 (2022) 2233-2258. 共同第一作者

[3] G. Yang,S.J. Park,Nanoflower-like NiCo2O4 grown on biomass carbon coated nickel foam for asymmetric supercapacitor,J. Alloys Compd.,835 (2020). 第一作者

[4] G. Yang,S.J. Park,Single-step solid-state synthesis and characterization of Li4Ti5-:XFexO12- y (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.1) as an anode for lithium-ion batteries,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,8 (2020) 2627-2636. 第一作者

[5] G. Yang,S.J. Park,The formation mechanism of Li 4 Ti5O12−y solid solutions prepared by carbothermal reduction and the effect of Ti3+ on electrochemical performance,Sci. Rep.,9 (2019). 第一作者

[6] G. Yang,M. Park,S.J. Park,Recent progresses of fabrication and characterization of fibers-reinforced composites: A review,Composites Communications,14 (2019) 34-42. 第一作者

[7] G. Yang,S.J. Park,Facile hydrothermal synthesis of NiCo2O4- decorated filter carbon as electrodes for high performance asymmetric supercapacitors,Electrochim. Acta,285 (2018) 405-414. 第一作者

[8] G. Yang,S.J. Park,MnO2 and biomass-derived 3D porous carbon composites electrodes for high performance supercapacitor applications,J. Alloys Compd.,741 (2018) 360-367. 第一作者


1.Novel transition metal oxide/conductive polymer composite electrodes for flexible supercapacitors,Wenner-Gren Stiftelsema,Sweden,2022-2024,主持



4.BK创新人才-先进能源材料与工艺,韩国国家研究基金会, 2018-2021,参与

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