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  林文野,男,1988年生,博士、四级研究员、硕导;澳大利亚伍伦贡大学(University of Wollongong)荣誉研究员,博导。2010本科毕业于中南大学,后被保送至中国科学院理化技术研究所读研。2013年硕士毕业后获得澳大利亚伍伦贡大学全额奖学金,并赴澳读博。2018年毕业于澳大利亚伍伦贡大学,获得工学博士学位,并留校任助理研究员。2021年获得德国洪堡基金委支持,于德国弗劳恩霍夫太阳能系统研究所(Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE)做洪堡学者。2023年加入2025年2025澳门原料网站。长期聚焦新能源、相变蓄能、建筑节能领域展开研究工作,在可再生能源、可持续技术的建筑的一体化应用及优化,尤其是太阳能光伏/光热技术、相变蓄能材料、暖通空调系统等方面取得了一系列成果。近年来已发表国内/外期刊论文41篇,其中SCI收录31篇(以第一作者、通讯作者、及博士期间导师一作17篇),EI收录8篇;发表国内、国际会议文章11篇(其中国际会议文章8篇);发表专著2项;授权发明专利、实用新型8项;至2023217Google Scholar 被引频次1018次,近五年H指数(h-index)为17




1.2020/2021年世界可持续能源技术协会(World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies创新奖(Innovation Award  

2.2019年澳大利亚制冷、空调和暖通工程师协会(Australian Institute of Refrigerationair conditioning and heatingAIRAH杰出暖空空调及制冷研究奖(Excellence in HVAC&R Research Award(第一完成人,团体) ; 

3.2019年澳大利亚新南威尔士州绿色星球-建筑环境奖(Green Globe Awards – Built Environment Award及“绿色星球-区域可持续性奖(Green Globe Awards – Regional Sustainability Award)”(团体) ; 

4.2019年澳大利亚建筑协会(Australian Institute of Building新南威尔士专业杰出建筑奖(New South Wales Professional Excellence in Building Awards(团体) ; 

5.2018年国际太阳能十项全能竞赛(中东)(Solar Decathlon Middle East 2018)亚军(团体) ; 

6.2018年伍伦贡大学优秀博士论文(Doctor of Philosophy with Examiners’ Commendation for Outstanding Thesis)  

7.伍伦贡市政委员会(Wollongong City Council“2013伍伦贡市表彰(Wollongong 2013 in Recognition 

8.伍伦贡扶轮社(The Rotary Club of Wollongong工艺骄傲奖(Pride of Workmanship Award 

9.2013年国际太阳能十项全能竞赛(中国)(Solar Decathlon 2013 China)冠军(团体)。


1.Lin W.Y., Green A.*, Ledo L., Kokogiannakis G., Cooper P. and Adams J. 2023, ‘Thermal effects of dew on cool roofs and conventional roofs in building performance simulations’ [J], Energy and Buildings, vol.279, 112645 (Accepted). (SCI, Ranking: Q1, IF: 7.201); 

2.Hou C., Lin W.Y.*, Wei J., Yang L.W., and Zhang H.F. 2021, ‘Experimental performance evaluation and optimal design of a mechanical vapour recompression system for radioactive wastewater treatment’ [J], Energy conversion and Management, vol. 252, paper ID: 115087. (SCI, Ranking: Q1, IF: 11.533); 

3.Zhou X.L., Lin W.Y., Kumar R., Cui P. and Ma Z.J.* 2022, ‘A data-driven strategy using long-short term memory models and reinforcement learning to predict building electricity consumption’ [J], Applied Energy, vol. 306, paper ID: 118078. (SCI, Ranking: Q1, IF: 11.446); 

4.Lin W.Y., Ma Z.J.*, Li K.H. Tyagi V.V. and Pandy A.K. 2020, ‘A dynamic simulation platform for fault modelling and characterisation of Building Integrated Photovoltaics’ [J], Renewable Energy, vol. 179, pp.963-981. (SCI, Ranking: Q1, IF: 8.634); 

5.Zhang C., Yang L.W., Lin W.Y.*, Wei J., Chen J.X. and Ma Z.J. 2021, ‘Experimental investigation and life-cycle cost analysis of a cold storage enhanced vacuum cooling system using ice slurry’, [J] Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessment, vol.45, Paper ID:101074. (SCI, Ranking Q1, IF: 7.632); 

6.Lin W.Y., Ma Z.J.*, Sohel M. I. and Wang S.G. 2021, ‘Experimental investigation and two-level model-based optimisation of a solar photovoltaic thermal collector coupled with phase change material thermal energy storage’ [J], Applied Thermal Engineering, vol.182, Paper ID: 116098. (SCI, Ranking: Q1, IF: 6.465); 

7.Lin W.Y. and Kokogiannakis G.* 2021, ‘Adaptive indoor microclimate optimisation based on occupant thermal preferences for maximal thermal satisfaction and minimal productivity loss in agile open-plan office buildings’ [J], Building and Environment, vol.230, Paper ID: 110536. (SCI, Ranking: Q1, IF: 7.201); 

8.Lin W.Y., Ma Z.J.*, McDowell C., Baghi Y. and Banfield B., ‘Optimal design of a thermal energy storage system using phase change materials for a net-zero energy Solar Decathlon house’ [J], Energy and Buildings, vol.208, pp. 109626. (SCI, Ranking: Q1, IF: 7.201); 

9.He M.Z., Yang L.W., Lin W.Y.*, Chen J.X., Mao X. and Ma Z.J. 2020, ‘Preparation, thermal characterization and examination of phase change materials (PCMs) enhanced by carbon-based nanoparticles for solar thermal energy storage’ [J], Journal of Energy Storage? vol.25, Paper ID 100874. (SCI, Ranking: Q1, IF: 8.907); 

10.Lin W.Y., Ren H.S. and Ma Z.J.* 2019, ‘Using fuzzy clustering and weighted cumulative probability distribution techniques for optimal design of phase change material thermal energy storage’ [J], Journal of Cleaner Production, vol.233, pp.1259-1268. (SCI, Ranking: Q1, IF: 11.072); 

11.Lin W.Y., Ma Z.J.*, Ren H.S., Gschwander S., Wang S.G. 2019, ‘Multi-objective optimisation of thermal energy storage using phase change materials for solar air systems’, Renewable Energy [J], vol.130, pp.1116-1129. (SCI, Ranking: Q1, IF: 8.634); 

12.Lin W.Y., Ren H.S., Ma Z.J.* and Knight M. 2020, ‘Mathematical modelling and experimental investigation of solar air collectors with corrugated absorbers’ [J], Renewable Energy, vol.145, pp.164-179. (SCI, Ranking: Q1, IF: 8.634); 

13.Lin W.Y. and Ma Z.J.* 2016, ‘Using Taguchi-Fibonacci search method to optimize phase change materials enhanced buildings with integrated solar photovoltaic thermal collectors’ [J], Energy, vol.106, pp.23-37. (SCI, Ranking: Q1, IF: 8.857); 

14.Ma Z.J.*, Lin W.Y. and Sohel M.I. 2016, ‘Nano-enhanced phase change materials for improved building performance’ [J], Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol.5, pp.1256-1268. (SCI, Ranking: Q1, IF: 16.799); 

15.Lin W.Y., Ma Z.J.*, Cooper P., Sohel M.I. and Yang L.W. 2016, ‘Thermal performance investigation and optimization of buildings with integrated phase change materials and solar photovoltaic thermal collectors’ [J], Energy and Buildings, vol.116, pp.562-573. (SCI, Ranking: Q1, IF: 7.201). 



1.新型水合盐相变材料浆体研发及在空调系统中的优化应用(Development and optimal application of salt hydrate phase change material slurries as heat transfer fluids and thermal energy storage media in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems),德国洪堡基金委; 

2.“沙漠玫瑰零能耗住宅项目:高效节能舒适性空调子课题,2018年太阳能十项全能竞赛(Solar Decathlon Middle East 2018, SDME2018)。 

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