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1. 论著:
微小流道(槽道)传热强化与节能, 朱冬生 罗小平 钱颂文,科学出版,321千字,2014.1

[2] 换热器(第二版),兰州石油机械研究所主编(朱冬生主要第三编写),中国石化出版社,20131月 北京
[3] “
管壳式换热器,马晓明,钱颂文,朱冬生,江楠,方江敏,郭崇志,杨丽明 , 中国石化出版社,20101月 北京
换热器技术及进展,朱冬生,钱颂文,马小明,孙萍,罗小平,王杨君.,中国石化出版社,088月 北京
管式换热器强化传热技术,钱颂文 朱冬生 李庆领,杨丽明,化学工业出版社20034月 北京

2.    论文:
Li XZZhu, DSYin YDTu AMLiu, SJParametric study on heat transfer and pressure drop of twisted oval tube bundle with in line layout INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFERJUN 2019v135,P860-872

[2] Li XZ,Zhu DS,Sun JF,Mo X,Yin YD,Air side heat transfer and pressure drop of H type fin and tube bundles with in line layoutsEXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCESEP 2018,V96,P146-153

[3]Sun JF,Zhu DS,Yin YD,Li XZ, Experimental investigation of the heating performance of refrigerant injection heat pump with a single-cylinder inverter-driven rotary compressor,JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY,SEP 2018,V133,P1579-1588

[4] Yin, YD,Zhu, DS, Sun, JF,Li, XZ, Zhang, JN, Lin, CD (Lin, C. D.),Comparison of a novel un-baffled and a conventional shell-and-tube dry-expansion evaporator,APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, FEB 25 2017V11P1137-1145 

[5] ZHU Dong-sheng, SHI Zhong-jing, QIAN Tai-lei, TAN Xiang-hui, XIAO Jing-mei ,Numerical Simulation and Field Synergy Analysis of Twisted Oval Tube Heat ExchangerJournal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities,2015 V29 n1,P64-71

[6]Zhu DS, Zheng WY, Zhou GY, et.al Computational analysis of closed wet cooling towers. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2013, 63(5): 396-409.
朱冬生,周吉成,霍正齐,李军,李燕. 满液式蒸发器中螺旋扁管的池沸腾传热[J]. 化工学报,2013,04:1151-1156.
[8] ZHU Dong-sheng, TAN Xiang-hui, ZENG Li-ding ,Heat transfer and pressure drop performances of twisted oval tubes,Chemical Engineering, 2013
[9]TANG Xinyi and ZHU Dongsheng Experimental and Numerical Study on Heat Transfer Enhancement of a Rectangular Channel with Discontinuous Crossed Ribs andGrooves Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2012
20(2) :220—230
[10] Wei-Biao Ye
Dong-Sheng ZhuNan Wang. Effect of the inclination angles on thermal energy storage in a quadrantal cavity Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, In Press (Online First),2012110: 3: 1487-1492
[11] Ye, Wei-Biao; Zhu, Dong-Sheng; Wang, Nan
Fluid flow and heat transfer in a latent thermal energy unit with different phase change material (PCM) cavity volume fractionsAPPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING 20124249-57
[12]Zheng WY, Zhu DS, Song J, Zeng LD, Zhou HJ
Experimental and computational analysis of thermal performance of the oval tube closed wet cooling tower. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2012, 35: 233-239.
[13]Zheng WY, Zhu DS, Zhou GY, et.al Thermal performance analysis of closed wet cooling towers under both unsaturated and supersaturated conditions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 55(25-26): 7803-7811.
[14]Tan Xiang-hui, Zhu Dong-sheng, Zhou Guo-yan, Zeng Li-ding. Experimental and numerical study of convective heat transfer and fluid flow in twisted oval tubes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 55(17-18): 4701-4710.
[15]D. S. ZHU, S. Y. WU, S. YANG
Numerical Simulation on Thermal Energy Storage Behavior of SiC-H2O nanofluids Energy Sources, Part A-RECOVERY UTILIZATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS Volum33,Issue:14 Pages;1317-1325 2011
Thermal Physics and Critical Heat Flux Characteristics of Al2O3-H2O Nanofluids heat transfer engineering 2010, 31(14): 1213-1219
[17]J. W. Gao, R. T. Zheng, H. Ohtani,D. S. Zhu, G. Chen
Experimental Investigation of Heat Conduction Mechanisms in Nanofluids. Nano Letters 2009, 9 (12), pp 4128–4132
[18]Dongsheng Zhu,Xinfang Li, Nan Wang, et al.Dispersion behavior and thermal conductivity characteristics of Al2O3–H2O nanofluids.
Current Applied Physics. 2009 .9 (1) : 131-139
[19] Dongsheng Zhu, Huijun Wu, Shengwei, Wang. Experimental study on composite silica gel supported CaCl2 sorbent for low grade heat storage. International Journal of Thermal Sciences.2006,45:804-813

主持国家自然科学基金、国家科技部 “863”计划、教育部高校博士点基金、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划、广东省重大攻关项目、广东省自然科学基金、广东省扬帆计划、省、市科技计划等省部级科研项目多项,取得多项成果。

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