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李星, 2010-2013国家公派日本东北大学流体科学研究所联合培养博士研究生,2014年获得北京交通大学博士学位,现任2025年2025澳门原料网站副研究员,硕士研究生导师,国际燃烧学会会员,中国化学学会会员,国家自然科学基金函评专家,广东省自然科学基金函评专家,担任多个能源领域期刊审稿人。主要研究方向包括氢燃烧及储运过程中的安全问题、新型燃料基础燃烧特性、湍流火焰实验及数值研究、火焰激光诊断、新燃烧技术及装置研发。参加工作以来,主持国家自然科学基金项目、国家重点研发项目子课题及洁净能源创新研究院合作基金项目等科研项目5项,在Combustion and Flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Energy, Fuel, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy等国内外著名学术期刊上发表论文40多篇,申请/授权国家发明专利5项,获得2011北京市自然科学二等奖、2015国际制氢大会最佳论文奖、2018年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年优秀墙报奖。









1. 2021广东省科技成果“高温O2/H2O/CO2氛围中气体碳氢燃料燃烧特性基础研究”(第一完成人)

2. 2018工程热物理学会燃烧年会优秀海报奖(论文通讯作者)

3. 2016第七届国际制氢大会最佳论文奖(论文通讯作者)

4. 2011北京市自然科学二等奖(排名第七)

5. 2009教育部科技成果“烟气冷凝热回收技术” (第五完成人)

6. 2009第二届“爱立信”杯换热器设计大赛三等奖


1. Tao Li,Xing Li*,Baopeng Xu*,A novel configuration capable of enhancing flame acceleration and detonation,Physics of Fluids,36 (2024) 057129.

2. Junxiong Wang,Xing Li*,Jun Li,Yunsheng Xie,Min Fan,Liqiao Jiang*,Study on the ignition characteristics of CH4/H2/air mixtures in a micro flow reactor with a controlled temperature profile,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,51(D) (2024) 818-829.

3. Liqiao Jiang*,Yuxuan Wu,Guangzhao Zhou,Xing Li*, Experimental study on the instability characteristics of CO2-diluted n-butane/air cellular flames on McKenna burner,Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,43 (2023) 110846.

4. Shengrong Xie,Xing Li*,Tao Li,Jiepeng Huo,Junxiong Wang,Chenguang Wang,Xiaohan Wang,Experimental and numerical study on the laminar burning velocities of n-decane/toluene/air mixtures at elevated temperatures,Fuel,322 (2022) 124176.

5. Xing Li*,Shengrong Xie,Jing Zhang*,Daiqing Zhao,Xiaohan Wang,Numerical study on the effect of wall thickness on combustion characteristics of non-premixed hydrogen micro-jet flame,Frontiers in Energy Research,10 (2022) 847651,1-10.

6. Fan Zhang,Xing Li*,Shengrong Xie,Junxiong Wang,Xiaohan Wang,Experimental and Numerical Study on the Combustion Characteristics of a Laminar Non-Premixed Methane Jet Flame in Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide Coflow,Frontiers in Energy Research,10 (2022) 847947,1-11.

7. Xiaochun Zhang,Mingcong Tang,Fei Ren*,Xing Li*,Wenbin Xu. An Improved Approach to Estimate the Time to Failure for Large Oil Tank in Pool-Fire-Induced Domino Effects by Stress Failure,Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention,22(5) (2022) 1954-1964. (EI)

8. Xiaochun Zhang,Zijian Zhang,Xing Li*,Yufang Chen,Xiaohan Wang,Study on stretch extinction characteristics of methane/carbon dioxide versus oxygen/carbon dioxide counterflow non-premixed combustion under elevated pressures,Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,92 (2021) 103994.

9. Xing Li*,Shengrong Xie,Jing Zhang,Tao Li,Xiaohan Wang,Combustion characteristics of non-premixed CH4/CO2 jet flames in coflow air at normal and elevated temperatures,Energy,214 (2021) 118981.

10. Xing Li*,Shengrong Xie,Jing Zhang,Daiqing Zhao,Xiaohan Wang,Experimental and numerical study on the quenching limits and mechanism of small-scale H2 diffusion flames,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,45(58) (2020) 34281-34291.

11. Xing Li*,Jing Zhang,Jiepeng Huo,Xiaohan Wang,Liqiao Jiang,Daiqing Zhao,C-shaped extinction curves and lean fuel limits of methane oxy-fuel diffusion flames at different oxygen concentrations,Fuel,259 (2020) 116296.

12. Xiaochun Zhang,Zijian Zhang,Zhenyi Zhang,Wenbin Xu,Luo Quanbing*,Tao Haowen,Xing Li*,Experimental investigation of compartment fires with circular opening: From the aspects of internal temperature and facade flame,Combustion and Flame,213 (2020) 107-116.

13. Xiaohan Wang*,Qianshi Song,Yong Wu,Xing Li*,Tao Li,Xiaojun Zeng,Modelling and numerical simulation of n-heptane pyrolysis coking characteristics in a millimetre-sized tube reactor,Combustion and Flame,201 (2019) 44-56.

14. Xing Li*,Jing Zhang,Haolin Yang,Liqiao Jiang,Xiaohan Wang,Daiqing Zhao,Combustion characteristics of non-premixed methane micro-jet flame in coflow air and thermal interaction between flame and micro tube,Applied Thermal Engineering,112 (2017) 296–303.

15. Jing Zhang,Xing Li*,Haolin Yang,Liqiao Jiang,Xiaohan Wang,Daiqing Zhao,Study on the combustion characteristics of non-premixed hydrogen micro-jet flame and the thermal interaction with solid micro tube,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,42 (6) (2017) 3853-3862.

16. Xing Li*,Haolin Yang,Liqiao Jiang,Xiaohan Wang,Daiqing Zhao,Stretch extinction characteristics of CH4/CO2 versus O2/H2O/CO2 and O2/H2O counterflow non-premixed flames at different oxidizer temperatures,Fuel,186 (2016) 648–655.

17. Xing Li*,Li Jia,Hisashi Nakamura,Takuya Tezuka,Susumu Hasegawa,Kaoru Maruta. Study on flame responses and ignition characteristics of CH4/O2/CO2 mixture in a micro flow reactor with a controlled temperature profile. Applied Thermal Engineering,84 (2015) 360–367.

18. Xing Li*,Li Jia,Takakazu Onishi,Philipp Grajetzki,Hisashi Nakamura,Takuya Tezuka,Susumu Hasegawa,Kaoru Maruta. Study on stretch extinction limits of CH4/CO2 versus high temperature O2/CO2 counterflow non-premixed flames. Combustion and Flame,161 (6) (2014) 1526–1536.

19. Xing Li,Li Jia*. Investigation on Combustion Characteristics and NO Formation of Methane with Swirling and No-Swirling High Temperature Airs. Journal of Thermal Science,23(5) (2014) 472–479.

20. Huahua Xiao*,Zixian Chen,Xing Li,Xiaohan Wang,An experimental study of the blue whirl: Effect of fuel surface diameter,Combustion and Flame,261 (2024) 113322.

21. Chunxiang Zhao,Xing Li,Xiaohan Wang,Min Li*,Huahua Xiao*,An experimental study of the characteristics of blended hydrogen-methane non-premixed jet flames,Process Safety and Environmental Protection,174 (2023) 838-847.

22. Chunkan Yu*,Prashant Shrotriya,Xing Li,Ulrich Maas,Reduced Modeling of the NOx formation based on the eaction-Diffusion Manifolds method for counterflow diffusion flames,Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,39(2) (2023) 1587-1596.

23. Jiepeng Huo,Hang Su,Tao Li,Zixin Yang,Xing Li,Xiaohan Wang,Deflagration-to-detonation transition and detonation propagation characteristics in a millimetre-scale spiral channel,Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,140 (2023) 110773.

24. Li Zhong,Wang Zhang,Xing Li,Tingxun Li*,Effects of trifluoroiodomethane and pentafluoroethane on combustion characteristics of flammable refrigerant propane,International Journal of Refrigeration,148 (2023) 25-34.

25. Tao Li,Jiepeng Huo,Xing Li,Fanfu Kong,Xiaohan Wang*,Baopeng Xu*, Effects of curvature on flame acceleration in micro channels, Combustion and Flame,242 (2022) 112168.

26. Jiepeng Huo,Hang Su,Liqiao Jiang,Daiqing Zhao*,Xing Li,Xiaohan Wang,The Effect of Gap Width on Premixed Flame Propagation in Non-adiabatic Closed Hele–Shaw Cells,Combustion Science and Technology,194(13) (2021) 2793-2816.

27. Haowen Li,Xiaohan Wang*,Xing Li,Yi Su*,Shicheng Zhang,Qianshi Song,Zhaofan Tang,Experimental studies on n-heptane pyrolytic characteristics in CO2/H2O atmosphere,Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,154 (2021)104999.

28. Chunkan Yu*,Xing Li,Chunwei Wu,Alexander Neagos,Ulrich Maas,Automatic Construction of REDIM Reduced Chemistry with a Detailed Transport and Its Application to CH4 Counterflow Flames,Energy Fuels 34 (2020) 16572−16584.

29. Liqiao Jiang*,Hang Su,Jiepeng Huo,Xing Li,Haolin Yang,Daiqing Zhao,Experimental Study on Propane/Air Flame Propagation Characteristics in a Disc-Like Gap Chamber,Combustion Science and Technology,191(7) (2019) 1168–1183.

30. Koichi Takase,Xing Li,Hisashi Nakamura,Takuya Tezuka,Susumu Hasegawa,Masato Katsuta,Masao Kikuchi,Kaoru Maruta,Extinction characteristics of CH4/O2/Xe radiative counterflow planar premixed flames and their transition to ball-like flames,Combustion and Flame,160(7) (2013) 1235-1241.

31. 刘筱璇,谢圣荣,李星*,汪小憨,微管流动反应器中大分子直链烷烃着火特性研究,燃烧科学与技术,2022,28(2):206-213

32. 金川,蒋利桥*,李凡,李星,汪小憨,正丁烷/空气射流火焰热释放率与火焰面厚度的平面激光诱导荧光测试,中国激光,2022,49(13):57-65 (EI)

33. 李星,杨浩林,蒋利桥,赵黛青*,汪小憨*. 微型能源动力装置及微尺度燃烧研究. 新能源进展,2019,7(1):60-74

34. 陈钰方,张孝春,李星*,张京,汪小憨,赵黛青,CH4/CO2非预混射流火焰燃烧特性实验研究,燃烧科学与技术,2019,25(6):542-548

35. 任帅,李星*,张京,汪小憨,赵黛青,乙醇和二甲醚微射流火焰燃烧特性研究,化工学报, 2019,70(5):1973-1980 (EI)

36. 林梓荣,霍杰鹏*,李星,  LNG储罐区围堰对天然气泄漏扩散影响的数值模拟,工业安全与环保,2019,45(05):26-30.

37. 林梓荣,霍杰鹏*,李星,稀释气/天然气燃烧及NOx排放特性,中山大学学报(自然科学版). 2019,58(02):29-36.

38.   李星,杨浩林,蒋利桥,张京,赵黛青*. 微喷管射流火焰OH及CH基元光学测量,光学精密工程,25 (5) (2017),1119-1125. (EI)

39. 李星,张京,杨浩林,蒋利桥,汪小憨,赵黛青*. 微喷管甲烷非预混射流火焰燃烧特性实验研究,工程热物理学报,2016,37(4):907-911. (EI)

40. 张京,李星*,杨浩林,蒋利桥,汪小憨,赵黛青*. 微喷管氢气非预混射流火焰燃烧特性,化工学报,2016,67(7):2724-2731. (EI)


1. 2023年主持企业横向课题:甲醇催化裂解制氢工业燃烧器性能测试及优化策略研究(20万元)

2. 2023年主持江西省碳中和研究中心双碳科技创新项目课题(2022JXST03):甲烷掺氢高效清洁燃烧关键技术研究(47万元)

3. 2022年主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(52176139):高温低氧高速伴流中液体碳氢燃料预蒸发射流火焰燃烧特性研究(58万元)

4. 2021年主持(共同负责人)中国科学院洁净能源创新研究院合作基金项目(DNL202006):高效清洁液体碳氢燃料火焰的形成机制及调控策(200万元)

5. 2019年主持国家重点研发计划项目“纤维素类生物质催化制备生物航油技术研究与示范”子课题(2018YFB1501505-03):生物航油基础燃烧特性研究(120万元)

6. 2016年主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(51506204):高温O2/H2O/CO2伴流中气体碳氢燃料非预混射流火焰燃烧特性研究(22.8万元)

7. 2016年主持广东省自然科学基金博士科研启动项目(2016A030310125):高温O2/H2O/CO2氛围中气体碳氢燃料燃烧特性基础研究(10万元)

8. 2010年主持北京交通大学优秀博士生创新基金项目: 微尺度燃烧及化学反应动力学研究(1万)

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